====== 正义之怒记录 ====== ====魅魔提前招==== 教堂时,用运动到山下,找到六分仪、竖琴,到德斯纳祭坛放下。对话。 ====谜题==== ===颜色谜题=== 黄蓝红黄 ===六个雕像谜题=== 横着123456顺序:231546\\ N 1 5 6 3 2 4 ===无名废墟=== 狮子脸正着,左下角两条直线和两个圆圈点亮。\\ ===未解之谜=== 小石板直接放进去\\ {{https://i.imgur.com/YGcCPD2.png}}\\ ===圣地=== {{https://i.imgur.com/XH0osqd.png}} - (optional) Rotate the camera 180 degrees so your viewpoint matches the map. - Before pressing any switches, go to platform A3 and loot the chest. - Go to platform D4 and press the blue switch [#1 on the map]. - Go to platform C3 and press one of the black switches [#8]. - Still at platform C3, press the red switch [#5]. - Go to platform B4 and press the cyan switch [#6]. - Go to platform C2 and press the peach switch [#4]. - Still at platform C2, press the red switch [#5]. - Go to platform A2 and loot the chest. - Go to platform A1 and press the light yellow switch [#2]. - Go to platform B2 and press the purple switch [#7]. - Go to platform C3 and press the red switch [#5]. - Go to platform A4 and press the dark yellow switch [#3]. - Go to platform C2 and press the red switch [#5]. - Go to platform A1 and press the purple switch [#7]. - Go to platform C3 and press one of the black switches [#8]. - Go to platform D2 and press the peach switch [#4]. - Go to platform C1 and press the teal switch [#9]. - Go to platform C3 and press the cyan switch [#6]. ====代码==== ^ 英文 ^ 效果 ^ | Proficiency | {装备擅长} | | EmergencyPotionMythicFeat | 瞬发喝药 | | ArcaneArmorMastery | 盔甲施法 | ^ Arcana | 奥法相关 | ^ spellfeat | 超魔 | ^ AbundantCasting | 施法次数增多 | ^ apotheosis | 奥法巅峰 | ^ tough | 生命值 | ^ DR1 | DR | ^ Mythic | 神话相关 | | Enduring | 持久buff | | Immun | {各种免疫} | | | | | | | | | | | tough | 血量增多 | | Blank | 贴身射击 | | Dodge | 闪避 | | Fly | 飞行 | | shot | 射击相关. | | cast | 施法 | | | | | heal | 治疗 | | blind | 盲斗 | | bane | | | twoweapon | 双武器 | | doubleslice | 双斩 | | flurry | 两仪 | | channel | 引导 | | sneak | 偷袭 | | archmagearmor | 法师护甲 | | elementalbarrage | 元素 | | | | | everready | 常备不怠 | | ascend | | | quicken | 瞬发 | | | | | | | | | |